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HER Number: | MDV62545 |
Name: | Fish Smoking Hut, Sun Lane, Teignmouth |
Fish smoking hut in Sun Lane, early 19th century, the last example of this industry in Teignmouth. Converted for residential use in 2000.
Grid Reference: | SX 939 728 |
Map Sheet: | SX97SW |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Teignmouth |
District | Teignbridge |
Ecclesiastical Parish | WEST TEIGNMOUTH |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- National Monuments Record: 1200262
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX97SW/296
- Old Listed Building Ref: 461184
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- SMOKE HOUSE (Early, XIX - 1801 AD to 1900 AD (Between))
Full description
Meade, P., Untitled Source (Unknown). SDV291840.
Lake, W. C., 1890, Notes on the Origin of the Streets of Teignmouth, and on their Nomenclature, 111-128 (Article in Serial). SDV291838.
Department of Environment, 1983, Teignmouth, 52 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV338952.
Pearson, A., 1985, Visitor's Guide to Teignmouth, South Devon, 85 (Monograph). SDV300876.
In Sun Lane heading north on the east side of the road is a three storey building of early 19th century date. The ground floor is whitewashed sandstone with tarred weatherboarding on the upper floors. Used for smoking fish and the last example of this industry in Teignmouth.
Morley, B., 1996, Thoughts on the Development of Teignmouth: Text of a Public Lecture (Un-published). SDV291839.
Bayer, O. J., 2000, Archaeological Watching Brief at Sun Lane, Teignmouth. (Report - Watching Brief). SDV291836.
Watching Brief on conversion of former fish store in Sun Lane, to dwelling.
Fish smoking hut thought to date from early 19th century. Lower floor of rough red sandstone blocks, with the upper storeys being constructed around a timber frame clad in weatherboard and roofed with asbestos sheeting. Removal of modern concrete floor revealed underlying cobbled surface (removed before archaeological monitoring began). This overlay a series of deposits circa 0.45-0.5 metres deep, which extended beneath the south wall of the building into the open yard to the south. These consisted of dark grey/black ashy silty deposits separated by several lenses of clean sand. They contained occasional crushed mortar, slate and charcoal fragments, and several sherds of post-1770 china, with a single sherd of North Devon ware (circa 1500-1800). These overlay a homogenous, clean, mid red sand, which extended beyond the base of the trenches.
Observations indicated that the west wall of the building was primary, with deep foundations extending beyond the base of excavation. The south wall appears to have been inserted at a later date, and has comparatively shallow footings. Area thought to have formed part of the town's Medieval waterfront. No evidence of this was encountered. This may have been an extensive sandbank between the line of the Tame Brook and Teign Street, which remained undeveloped possibly as late as the early/mid 18th century.
Exeter Archaeology, 2004, Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Fire Station on Land off the A379 Teignmouth, Devon (Report - Assessment). SDV361709.
An archaeological watching brief was carried out in November 2000 during the conversion of a former fish-smoking hut on Sun Lane during its conversion to a dwelling. Shallow deposits of late post-medieval or early modern date were encountered overlaying what appeared to be natural beach deposits.
Ordnance Survey, 2012, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV348725.
English Heritage, 2012, National Heritage List for England (National Heritage List for England). SDV348729.
Fish smoking hut. Early 19th century. Red sandstone rubble to the ground floor, oak-pegged timber frame, weatherboarding to the upper floors, corrugated asbestos roof. Rectangular plan. Exterior: three storeys to the right-hand block with a two-storey lean-to block to the left; one five-light window to the ground-floor left. One wide 19th century planked door to the left return and a blocked loading bay to the first floor of the right return. Interior: not inspected. A significant survival of this building type.
Pink, F., 2014-2015, South Devon Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Desk-Based Assessment (Interpretation). SDV357736.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV291836 | Report - Watching Brief: Bayer, O. J.. 2000. Archaeological Watching Brief at Sun Lane, Teignmouth.. Exeter Archaeology Historic Environment Record Entry. 3919. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV291838 | Article in Serial: Lake, W. C.. 1890. Notes on the Origin of the Streets of Teignmouth, and on their Nomenclature. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 22. A5 Hardback. 111-128. |
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SDV291839 | Un-published: Morley, B.. 1996. Thoughts on the Development of Teignmouth: Text of a Public Lecture. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV291840 | Unknown: Meade, P.. Notes on the Site of the Possible New Museum Premises, Situated at No. 41-4. |
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SDV300876 | Monograph: Pearson, A.. 1985. Visitor's Guide to Teignmouth, South Devon. Visitor's Guide to Teignmouth, South Devon. A5 Paperback. 85. |
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SDV338952 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1983. Teignmouth. Historic Houses Register. A4 Comb Bound. 52. |
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SDV348725 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2012. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #97048 ] |
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SDV348729 | National Heritage List for England: English Heritage. 2012. National Heritage List for England. Website. |
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SDV357736 | Interpretation: Pink, F.. 2014-2015. South Devon Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Desk-Based Assessment. AC Archaeology Report. Digital. |
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| Linked documents:1 |
SDV361709 | Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 2004. Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Fire Station on Land off the A379 Teignmouth, Devon. Exeter Archaeology. 04.23. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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Associated Monuments: none recorded
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events: none recorded
Date Last Edited: | Sep 7 2018 9:51AM |
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