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HER Number: | MDV63143 |
Name: | Saxo-Norman Buried Soil, Totnes Castle,Totnes |
A deep clay soil deposit underlying the motte construction contained charcoal, animal bone and pottery sherds, representing domestic refuse.
Grid Reference: | SX 802 604 |
Map Sheet: | SX86SW |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Totnes |
District | South Hams |
Ecclesiastical Parish | TOTNES |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX86SW/20/7
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- BURIED SOIL HORIZON (VIII to Early Medieval - 701 AD to 1399 AD (Between))
Full description
Stewart Brown Associates, 1999, Totnes Castle Landslip 1999: Archaeological Watching Brief and Recording (Report - Watching Brief). SDV342915.
A landslip occurred in January 1999 on the southwest side of the motte in an area of post-medieval garden terracing. Beneath the series of clay constructional deposits of the Norman motte lies a 0.35 metre deep layer of mid brown, aerated, stony clay (context 38). The layer contained charcoal, animal bone and pottery sherds, representing domestic refuse. Three pieces of pottery dated to the late Saxon/early Norman times. A compacted stony surface is evidence of trampling prior to the construction of the motte. An earlier feature beneath the refuse layer was cut into the underlying natural clay and is possibly associated with the Saxon town or first occupation of the castle site before the motte was erected.
Brown, S. + Gent T., 1999, Totnes Castle Motte: Archaeological Watching Brief and Evaluation, 3-4 (Report - non-specific). SDV348097.
Geotechnical investigation carried out in 1999 following landslip. Saxo-Norman buried soil underlying motte construction interpreted as same soil horizon encountered in 1999. Appears to be an extensive layer, covering considerable area beneath the Norman motte. It is suggested that topography of site prior to motte construction was relatively level providing suitable site for Saxon and possibly earlier occupation as well as Norman castle. Excavation of buried soil produced a few nodules of iron slag providing evidence for early industry in the area.
Devon Archaeological Society, 1999, Totnes revealed- new evidence of the early town and its defences, 2 (Article in Serial). SDV350890.
Sealed beneath the clay construction layers of the Norman motte there was a 0.35 metres deep layer of brown stony clay. This contained charcoal, animal bone and pottery sherds, clearly representing domestic refuse. Three pieces of pottery in the exposed section were of the late Saxon/early Norman chert-tempered ware.
Brown, S. + Gent T., 2001, Totnes Castle Motte: Archaeological Watching Brief and Evaluation, 3 (Report - non-specific). SDV348107.
Excavations at the foot of the motte removed the remains of the previous wall, as well as a strip of geological deposits 0.6 metres-0.8 metres wide. Solid bedrock was exposed at an average depth of 0.4 metres-0.5 metres below the present tarmac surface of the yard behind Castle Court. The excavations did not disturb archaeological deposits, except at the west end where the Saxo-Norman buried soil had slumped forward over geological deposits. Here, the opportunity was taken to excavate the slumped material by hand to recover all finds. The finds from this slumped layer 38 comprise: 11 sherds of chert-tempered coarseware pottery darting from the 11th-12th century; 2 fragments of iron slag and 4 fragments of animal bone including a tooth.
Ordnance Survey, 2013, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV350786.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV342915 | Report - Watching Brief: Stewart Brown Associates. 1999. Totnes Castle Landslip 1999: Archaeological Watching Brief and Recording. Stewart Brown Associates Report. Interim Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV348097 | Report - non-specific: Brown, S. + Gent T.. 1999. Totnes Castle Motte: Archaeological Watching Brief and Evaluation. Stewart Brown Associates Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. 3-4. |
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SDV348107 | Report - non-specific: Brown, S. + Gent T.. 2001. Totnes Castle Motte: Archaeological Watching Brief and Evaluation. Stewart Brown Associates Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. 3. |
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SDV350786 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2013. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #40569 ] |
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SDV350890 | Article in Serial: Devon Archaeological Society. 1999. Totnes revealed- new evidence of the early town and its defences. Devon Archaeological Society Newsletter. 73. A4 Stapled. 2. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV18247 | Related to: Castle Motte and Keep, Totnes (Building) |
MDV9063 | Related to: Totnes Castle (Building) |
MDV62840 | Related to: Trench, Totnes Castle, Totnes (Monument) |
Associated Finds
- FDV5290 - ANIMAL REMAINS (Unknown date)
- FDV5292 - SLAG (Unknown date)
- FDV5295 - POT (Iron Age - 700 BC to 42 AD)
- FDV5291 - POT (XI to XII - 1001 AD to 1200 AD)
Associated Events: none recorded
Date Last Edited: | Jan 25 2013 10:35AM |
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