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HER Number:MDV63465
Name:Gardens at Broadhayes


Grounds to Broadhayes, built circa 1800. Included kitchen and fruit gardens, flower beds, a tennis lawn and a summerhouse.


Grid Reference:ST 234 025
Map Sheet:ST20SW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishStockland
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishSTOCKLAND

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: ST20SW/44/1

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • GARDEN (Early, XIX - 1801 AD to 1900 AD)

Full description

Gray, T., 1995, The Garden History of Devon: An Illustrated Guide to Sources, 58 (Monograph). SDV671.

The sale particulars of 1891 noted. Standing at the side of hill, within its own finely timbered and choicely planted grounds, with a carriage drive and handsome elm avenue in front. Productive kitchen garden and cowhouse and piggeries. In the rear , nicely fruited garden and tennis lawn with handsome mulberry tree, noble cedar and some fine evergreens. Front lawn has flower beds and swiss summer house. Surrounding lands are in rich park-like pasture.

Devon Gardens Trust, 1999, Broadhayes House (Un-published). SDV356167.

The description refers to sale particulars of 1891, which note a productive kitchen garden with forcing frames and potting house, also a cow house and piggeries. To the rear of the house was a fruit garden and tennis lawn with a mulberry tree, cedar and some fine evergreens, and ornamental timber around it. The front lawn had flower beds and a summer house. Across the road in front of the house was a avenue of elms in 'park-like' pasture.

Devon Gardens Trust, 1999, Devon Local Register (Un-published). SDV170167.

Devon Gardens Trust, 2013, Devon Gazetteer of Parks and Gardens of Local Interest (Reg/Local list of Historic Parks and Gdns). SDV354335.

Listed under supplementary sites.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV170167Un-published: Devon Gardens Trust. 1999. Devon Local Register. Devon Local Register of Parks and Gardens of Local Historic Interest. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV354335Reg/Local list of Historic Parks and Gdns: Devon Gardens Trust. 2013. Devon Gazetteer of Parks and Gardens of Local Interest. Historic Parks and Gardens - Register and Local List. Digital.
SDV356167Un-published: Devon Gardens Trust. 1999. Broadhayes House. Devon Local Register of Parks and Gardens of Local Historic Interest. Digital.
SDV671Monograph: Gray, T.. 1995. The Garden History of Devon: An Illustrated Guide to Sources. The Garden History of Devon: An Illustrated Guide to Sources. Paperback Volume. 58.

Associated Monuments

MDV20584Related to: Broadhayes House (Building)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:May 22 2024 7:01AM