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HER Number:MDV64344
Name:Winkleigh Deer Park


Winkleigh Park is the only park in Devon mentioned in Domesday and may have been associated with Court Castle. Its substantial boundaries are still largely extant.


Grid Reference:SS 639 085
Map Sheet:SS60NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishWinkleigh
Ecclesiastical ParishWINKLEIGH

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS60NW/37

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • DEER PARK (XI to Late Medieval - 1001 AD to 1539 AD)

Full description

Gallant, L., 1986, Deer Parks and Paddocks of England (Un-published). SDV656.

'Winkleigh Park' was the only park in Devon mentioned in Domesday with 500 acres of woodland. It was settled on the Conqueror's escort Matilda. May have been associated with 'Court Castle'.

Knight, S., 2009, Winkleigh, Dodscott and Eggesford (Personal Comment). SDV343710.

Site visit 11th November 2009. A very substantial boundary, at least 2 metres in height and the same in width, is visible on the east, north and south of the woodland. An area of erosion shows some stone in the fabric. The polygonised area corresponds broadly to the 500 acres described in the Domesday book but please note that the western boundary [the A3124] is conjectural. Other details: Digital photos.

Ordnance Survey, 2020, MasterMap 2020 (Cartographic). SDV363413.

Deer park pale survives in extant field boundaries.

Horner, B., 2020, Winkleigh Deerpark (Personal Comment). SDV363743.

Boundaries and 'Park' field names recorded on the Tithe Map and Apportionment suggest that the deer park may have extended west of the A3124. The depiction of the field boundaries to the west of the road on the 1880s-1890s 25 inch Ordnance Survey map suggest they are fairly substantial.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV343710Personal Comment: Knight, S.. 2009. Winkleigh, Dodscott and Eggesford. Not Applicable.
SDV363413Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2020. MasterMap 2020. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #97559 ]
SDV363743Personal Comment: Horner, B.. 2020. Winkleigh Deerpark. Digital.
SDV656Un-published: Gallant, L.. 1986. Deer Parks and Paddocks of England. Deer Parks and Paddocks of England. Manuscript.

Associated Monuments

MDV128758Parent of: Great Hedge, Winkleigh (Monument)
MDV1124Related to: Court Castle, Winkleigh (Monument)
MDV71520Related to: Winkleigh, Settlement (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4562 - Site Visit to Winkleigh

Date Last Edited:Nov 22 2024 11:04AM