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HER Number:MDV71840
Name:Bideford Anthracite Mine, Bideford East the Water


Site of Bideford Anthracite Mine which operated from 1846 to 1868.


Grid Reference:SS 458 265
Map Sheet:SS42NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBideford
Ecclesiastical ParishBIDEFORD

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • MINE (XIX - 1846 AD to 1868 AD)

Full description

Cleaver, D. + Coulter, J. + Slade, P. + Waters, E. + White, D., 1994, Bideford Black. The History of a Unique Local Industry, 11 (Pamphlet). SDV366276.

In 1846 the Bideford Anthracite Mining Company was reported to be producing 600 tons per week.

Wessex Archaeology, 2005, Residential Development at Salterns, Bideford: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment, 8,13 (Report - Assessment). SDV323482.

Figure 1. Possible location of Bideford Anthracite Mine operating from 1846 to 1868. Anthracite was mined as a fuel for malting, lime-burning and for 'Bideford Black' pigment.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV323482Report - Assessment: Wessex Archaeology. 2005. Residential Development at Salterns, Bideford: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. Wessex Archaeology Report. 60590.01. A4 Stapled + Digital. 8,13. [Mapped feature: #47045 ]
SDV366276Pamphlet: Cleaver, D. + Coulter, J. + Slade, P. + Waters, E. + White, D.. 1994. Bideford Black. The History of a Unique Local Industry. Bideford and District Community Archive. Pamphlet. 11.

Associated Monuments

MDV50850Related to: Chapel Park Coal Mine, Bideford (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV2828 - Residential development at Salterns, Bideford: archaeological desk-based assessment

Date Last Edited:Jan 6 2025 11:22AM