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HER Number:MDV7582
Name:Toll House at Sandwell Cross, Harberton


Former toll house of the Totnes Turnpike Trust at Sandwell Cross on the old Exeter-Plymouth road


Grid Reference:SX 754 596
Map Sheet:SX75NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishHarberton
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishHARBERTON

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX75NE/8
  • Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division: SX75NE10

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • TOLL HOUSE (Built, XVIII to XIX - 1751 AD (Between) to 1900 AD (Between))

Full description

Ordnance Survey, 1880-1899, First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch map (Cartographic). SDV336179.

'Sandwell Cottage' shown on 19th century map as a rectangular building to the south of the road.

Sheldon, L., 1933, Devon Toll-Houses, 305 (Article in Serial). SDV341560.

Toll house on the old Exeter-Plymouth road to the northeast of 'Hazard' farm. Altered.

Kanefsky, J., 1976, Devon Tollhouses, 26 (Monograph). SDV7980.

A typical tollhouse at Sandwell. It belonged to the Totnes Trust.

Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1979, SX75NE10 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV161352.

A typical toll house, with the porch blocked up (citing Kanefsky 1976).

Kanefsky, J., 1984, Devon Toll Houses, 26 (Pamphlet). SDV349663.

Three miles west of Totnes, just past the junction of the A385 with the old ridge road to Totnes via Yeo Bridge. A typical tollhouse now set back from the road and with the porch blocked up, on the south side of the road.

Cotswold Archaeology, 2001, Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Fieldwalking and Field Reconnaissance Survey: Preliminary Summary, Map 4 (Report - Survey). SDV340217.

Cotswold Archaeology, 2001, Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 1:Text, 28 (Report - Assessment). SDV340215.

Other details: Site 43.

Cotswold Archaeology, 2001, Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 2: Constraints Maps (Report - Assessment). SDV340216.

Other details: Map 4 Site 43.

Rosevear, A., 2008, Devon Tollhouses (Un-published). SDV351734.

Former toll house thought to have been built in the 19th century for the Totnes and Bridgetown-Pomeroy Turnpike Trust. It takes the form of a two storey lodge type house with an angular front with a hipped, slate roof and large chimney stacks. The doorway at the front has been blocked and above is a small, blind window.

Jenkinson, T., 2018, Totnes to Plymouth (B3210/A3121/A379) (Report - Survey). SDV324109.

Toll collection point for the Totnes Turnpike Trust at Sandwell Cross.

Ordnance Survey, 2024, Mastermap 2024 (Cartographic). SDV365834.

Now Sandwell Farm.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV161352Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1979. SX75NE10. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index + Digital.
SDV324109Report - Survey: Jenkinson, T.. 2018. Totnes to Plymouth (B3210/A3121/A379). Devon Milestone Survey. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV336179Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1880-1899. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch map. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital).
SDV340215Report - Assessment: Cotswold Archaeology. 2001. Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 1:Text. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 01084. A4 Stapled + Digital. 28.
SDV340216Report - Assessment: Cotswold Archaeology. 2001. Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 2: Constraints Maps. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 01084. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV340217Report - Survey: Cotswold Archaeology. 2001. Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Fieldwalking and Field Reconnaissance Survey: Preliminary Summary. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 1224. A4 Stapled + Digital. Map 4.
SDV341560Article in Serial: Sheldon, L.. 1933. Devon Toll-Houses. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 65. A5 Hardback. 305.
SDV349663Pamphlet: Kanefsky, J.. 1984. Devon Toll Houses. Exeter Industrial Archaeology Group. A5 Paperback. 26.
SDV351734Un-published: Rosevear, A.. 2008. Devon Tollhouses. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV365834Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2024. Mastermap 2024. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #143427 ]
SDV7980Monograph: Kanefsky, J.. 1976. Devon Tollhouses. Devon Tollhouses. A5 Paperback. 26.

Associated Monuments

MDV47802Related to: Milestone west of Sandwell Bridge, Harberton (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV2980 - Milestone Survey Totnes to Plymouth
  • EDV4375 - Fishacre to Lyneham Pipeline Assessment
  • EDV4391 - Fishacre to Lyneham Fieldwalking Survey

Date Last Edited:Oct 30 2024 1:49PM