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HER Number:MDV76486
Name:Gateway and Boundary Wall of St. Marys Church, Burlescombe


Late 19th century gateway and boundary wall. A 17th century Beerstone plaque is set into the inside of the wall to the left of the gateway.


Grid Reference:ST 075 166
Map Sheet:ST01NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBurlescombe
DistrictMid Devon

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old Listed Building Ref (II): 95881

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • GATE (XVIII to XIX - 1701 AD to 1900 AD)

Full description

Scott Wilson, 2008, Hanson Town Farm, Devon. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment, 12 (Report - Assessment). SDV344495.

Other details: Site 39.

English Heritage, 2010, Historic Houses Register (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV154869.

North gate and adjoining boundary wall of churchyard of St Mary. Late 19th century. Local stone rubble wall with rusticated crenellated coping and red sandstone ashlar monolithic gate posts. The posts are square in section with arch-headed panels each side, plain caps and rounded tops. They contain the original cast iron gate. On the inside of the wall, left of the gateway, a 17th century Beerstone plaque is set in the wall. It contains a round-headed panel containing a carved skull and crossbones with a hourglass. The spandrels are
carved with foliage. Date listed: 17th March 1988.

Ordnance Survey, 2010, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV344030.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV154869List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: English Heritage. 2010. Historic Houses Register. Historic Houses Register. Website.
SDV344030Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2010. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #103510 ]
SDV344495Report - Assessment: Scott Wilson. 2008. Hanson Town Farm, Devon. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. Scott Wilson. D118857. A4 Stapled + Digital. 12.

Associated Monuments

MDV76488Related to: St. Marys Churchyard, Burlescombe (Monument)
MDV1473Related to: St. Mary's Parish Church, Burlescombe (Building)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4635 - Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment of Hanson Town Farm, Devon

Date Last Edited:Dec 5 2024 2:48PM