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HER Number:MDV77673
Name:Middle Adit, Gawton Mine


One of two adits on the Main, or Copper Lode at Gawton Mine. The adit portal is open and old tram rails are visible on the adit floor.


Grid Reference:SX 455 690
Map Sheet:SX46NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishGulworthy
DistrictWest Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishTAVISTOCK

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ADIT (XIX - 1801 AD to 1900 AD)

Full description

Buck, C., 2006, Gawton Mine, Devon: Archaeological Assessment, 32 (Report - Assessment). SDV344672.

The adit portal is open, and orange coloured mine water is draining out from its interior. The portal opening is approximately 1.8 metres high and 1.5 metres wide. At a distance of about 3 metres inside the portal it has a small branch going to the south-east (presumably to Fuller's Shaft) and another to the north-east (presumably past Adit Shaft), and into the underground levels. Old tram rails can be seen in the murky water on the adit floor. Other details: Figures 5-6, 20, 35, site 18.2.

Clive Meaton, 2023, Gawton Mine, Devon- Costed and Prioritised Proposals for Capital Works for the Conservation and Management of Gawton Mine Scheduled Monument (Redacted Costs Version), 51-53, Photographs 1-2 (Report - Survey). SDV366131.

In 2006 no surface evidence was found for Fullers Shaft which had been infilled, although it could be seen by looking inside the entrance of the Middle Adit (Site No. 18.2) at SX45545 69089. The Middle Adit portal was open and measured approximately 1.8 metres high by 1.5 metres wide. Orange coloured mine water was issuing from the interior. The portal branched within the interior, towards Fullers Shaft (Site No. 18) to the south-east and towards the 1867 Adit Shaft (Site No. 18.1) at SX 45554 69079 to the north-east. Old tram rails were also visible on the adit floor. It was recommended that a grill should be fitted to the Middle Adit portal opening (Site No. 18.2), and access secured with a hinged padlocked access gate. Middle Adit was found to be in the same condition as that described in 2006. On the downslope side to the west, the opening to Middle Adit was clearly visible with no obvious collapses or failures since 2006. Orange coloured mine water was still issuing from its interior, running down slope over the spoil heaps, which form the steep valley sides directly below the opening. The retaining wall dividing the spoil heap and the retaining wall to the terrace on which the adit is located both appeared to be in stable condition, with no obvious collapses, failures or weaknesses. Other details: Site No. 18.2.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV344672Report - Assessment: Buck, C.. 2006. Gawton Mine, Devon: Archaeological Assessment. Cornwall County Council Report. 2006R023. A4 Stapled + Digital. 32.
SDV366131Report - Survey: Clive Meaton. 2023. Gawton Mine, Devon- Costed and Prioritised Proposals for Capital Works for the Conservation and Management of Gawton Mine Scheduled Monument (Redacted Costs Version). Cotswold Archaeology. CR1194_1. Digital. 51-53, Photographs 1-2.

Associated Monuments

MDV5490Part of: Gawton Mine, West Devon (Monument)
MDV77679Related to: Burrows House, Braunton Burrows (Monument)
MDV69513Related to: Gawton Mine, Fuller's Shaft (Monument)
MDV77671Related to: Shaft near Fuller's Shaft, Gawton Mine (Monument)
MDV77669Related to: Spoil Heaps at Fuller's Shaft, Gawton Mine (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4746 - Archaeological Assessment of Gawton Mine, Devon
  • EDV4747 - Field Survey of Gawton Mine

Date Last Edited:Sep 17 2024 1:03PM