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HER Number:MDV80033
Name:Post Medieval Field System at Little Eastbrook Farm


A number of ditches and remains of hedgebanks revealed during trench evaluation and topsoil stripping, which probably represent former sub-divisions of the present fields.


Grid Reference:ST 082 168
Map Sheet:ST01NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBurlescombe
DistrictMid Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishBURLESCOMBE

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Royal Albert Memorial Museum Accession Number: 162/2009

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • FIELD SYSTEM (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1750 AD)

Full description

Steinmetzer, M., 2008, Archaeological Evaluation of Land At Old Town Farm, Burlescombe, Devon, 9, Figs 2, 9 (Report - Evaluation). SDV347251.

The majority of features exposed during the trench evaluation relate to elements of a post-medieval field system and a probably contemporary trackway. The alignments of many of the ditches exposed suggests that these boundaries represent, at least in part, former sub-divisions of the present fields.

Scott Wilson, 2008, Hanson Town Farm, Devon. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment, 8, Appendix 2 (Report - Assessment). SDV344495.

Possible traces of ridge and furrow cultivation and former field boundaries have been detected across parts of the area, some of which may be medieval. Occasional magnetic anomalies throughout the study area could reflect the remains of ditch and gully features of unknown date. Other details: Figure 4. Map object based on this Source.

Farnell, A. + Quinnell, H., 2010, Archaeological Recording at Town Farm Quarry, Burlescombe, Devon: Phase 5/6, 3-4, Figs 3-4, plates 5-6 (Report - Watching Brief). SDV347619.

Five slighted field boundaries were exposed during topsoil removal in advance of quarrying of phases 5 and 6 at Town Farm. They were broadly parallel, each extending across the width of the site on an approximately east-north-east to west-south-west alignment. Four comprised a single infilled ditch while the fifth consisted of double ditches and a remnant bank. A second phase to this boundary comprised a substantial re-cut of one ditch and the addition of a narrow trench, possibly representing a fence line, flanking the boundary to the north. This boundary is depicted on the tithe map of 1841. A total of 10 post-medieval sherds were recovered from the fills of two of the ditches. Map object based on this Source.

Ordnance Survey, 2011, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV346129.

Map object based on this Source.

Farnell, A. + Quinnell, H., 2012, Further Prehistoric Activity at Town Farm Quarry, Burlescombe, 63-5 (Article in Serial). SDV361557.

Five broadly parallel post medieval field boundaries extending east-north-east - west-south-west across the site.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV344495Report - Assessment: Scott Wilson. 2008. Hanson Town Farm, Devon. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. Scott Wilson. D118857. A4 Stapled + Digital. 8, Appendix 2.
SDV346129Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2011. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital).
SDV347251Report - Evaluation: Steinmetzer, M.. 2008. Archaeological Evaluation of Land At Old Town Farm, Burlescombe, Devon. Exeter Archaeology Report. 08.72. A4 stapled + Digital. 9, Figs 2, 9.
SDV347619Report - Watching Brief: Farnell, A. + Quinnell, H.. 2010. Archaeological Recording at Town Farm Quarry, Burlescombe, Devon: Phase 5/6. Exeter Archaeology Report. 09.35. A4 Stapled + Digital. 3-4, Figs 3-4, plates 5-6.
SDV361557Article in Serial: Farnell, A. + Quinnell, H.. 2012. Further Prehistoric Activity at Town Farm Quarry, Burlescombe. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 70. Hardback Volume. 63-5.

Associated Monuments

MDV80032Related to: Trackway South-East of Little Eastbrook Farm (Monument)

Associated Finds

  • FDV1884 - SHERD (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1750 AD)

Associated Events

  • EDV4636 - Geophysical Survey at Hanson Town Farm, Burlescombe
  • EDV5064 - Archaeological Evaluation of Land at Old Town Farm, Burlescombe
  • EDV5189 - Archaeological Recording at Town Farm Quarry, Burlescombe

Date Last Edited:Jul 4 2024 10:08AM