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HER Number: | MDV848 |
Name: | 7 Cross Street, Barnstaple |
7 Cross Street in Barnstaple built in the 17th century with later remodelling and alterations
Grid Reference: | SS 557 331 |
Map Sheet: | SS53SE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Barnstaple |
District | North Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | BARNSTAPLE |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SS53SE/61
- Old Listed Building Ref (II): 485575
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- HOUSE (XVI to XIX - 1600 AD to 1900 AD (Between))
Full description
Ordnance Survey, 1880-1899, First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map (Cartographic). SDV336179.
Shown on 19th century map as a long irregular shaped building on the north side of Cross Street with a small rectangular yard in the centre.
Oliver, B. W., 1917, The early Seventeenth-Century Plaster Ceilings of Barnstaple, 194, Plate 15 (Article in Serial). SDV342394.
7 Cross Street. Enriched rib ceiling similar to that at the Golden Lion Hotel, except that the pendants are omitted. Wide rainge of animals portrayed on the ceiling. On the first floor. Similar ceiling on the ground floor.
Department of Environment, 1959, Torrington RD Provisional List, 4 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV118.
Early 17th century plaster ceiling removed to Stafford Barton, Dolton, after 1920.
Department of Environment, 1973, Barnstaple Borough, 24 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV344471.
Early 18th century front with pilasters, triglyphs, keystones and quatrefoil tablet. Formerly had 17th century ceiling.
Department of Environment, 1988, Barnstaple, Amendment (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV79511.
Child, P., 1990, 7 Cross Street (Ground Photograph). SDV344472.
Two photographs of 7 Cross Street showing the fascia when occupied by SWEB and JIMBO'S.
Rance, C. + Weddell, P. J., 1994, An Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Marks and Spencer Development in Holland Street and Paiges Lane, Barnstaple, 6 (Report - Assessment). SDV82149.
Two storeys with two flush frame sash windows and flank pilasters. Modern shop below. Internally there was formerly a 17th century ceiling.
Exeter Archaeology, 2003, Barnstaple Castle Car Park Scheme: Phase 1: Archaeological Assessment, 22 (Report - Assessment). SDV319631.
Ordnance Survey, 2010, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV344030.
English Heritage, 2012, National Heritage List for England (National Heritage List for England). SDV348729.
7 Cross Street. House and shop, now shop. 1635, remodelled early or mid 18th century and later; late 20th century addition at rear. Plastered walls of stone and brick, possibly with some timber-framing. Hipped, slated roofs at front ends of front and back blocks; remainder flat roofed. No chimneys visible from street. Gallery and back block plan; front block one room wide and 2 rooms deep, back block one room deep. Front block 3-storeyed with cellar beneath the rear part; back block 2-storeyed. 2-window range, remodelled in early or mid 18th century. Ground storey altered in late 20th century. Upper storey windows have eared architraves with triple keyblocks; 6-pane sashes, except that the upper sashes of the smaller 3rd-storey windows have only 3 panes. Giant flanking Doric pilasters, fluted and with a triglyphed section of entablature above each one; modillioned eaves cornice across whole front, breaking forward above the pilasters. Between the 2nd-storey windows is a stone tablet carved with a quatrefoil and date 1635; in its centre are the initials TH. At rear the `gallery' (a 2-storeyed link building with closet on top) is of brick in ground and 2nd storeys and has old roughcast (possibly on a timber frame) above; barred sashes. Front wall of back block covered with old roughcast, probably on brick or timber-framing; barred sashes in ground storey. INTERIOR: formerly had 2 early 17th century broad-rib ceilings, together with fireplaces and overmantels, on ground and first floors. The fireplaces, overmantels and first-floor ceiling are now at Stafford Barton, Dolton; ground-floor ceiling is in the gatehouse at Shute Barton, east Devon. The ground storey in front block has been heightened, and second floor totally removed, both here and in the gallery. Nevertheless, features of interest may still be hidden under plaster in the partitions and outer walls, especially in the back block, which seems to have avoided major structural alteration. The roof structures, also of possible interest, are not easily accessible. HISTORICAL NOTE: the house was Corporation property, leased in 1634 to Thomas Horwood, merchant, founder of the Church Lane almshouses, on preferential terms; he was to spend »200 within 5 years `in building...the said tenement'. A lease of 1648 describes the house as `lately reedified and new built'. An agreement of 1635 shows that Horwood was then about to build a gallery on the right-hand (eastern) boundary wall. Horwood (died 1658) and his wife Alice appear to have lived in the house until their deaths. The freehold was sold off for redemption of Land Tax in 1916. Date listed: 19th January 1951.
Southwest Archaeology, 2013, Greater Barnstaple Area Project Database, BHBS Mapping Area 285 (Un-published). SDV351581.
Child, P., Jan 1996, 7 Cross Street, Barnstaple (Correspondence). SDV352179.
Correspondence regarding new shop front and repairs.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV118 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1959. Torrington RD Provisional List. Historic Houses Register. Unknown. 4. |
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SDV319631 | Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 2003. Barnstaple Castle Car Park Scheme: Phase 1: Archaeological Assessment. Exeter Archaeology Report. 03.62. A4 Stapled + Digital. 22. |
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SDV336179 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1880-1899. First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital). |
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SDV342394 | Article in Serial: Oliver, B. W.. 1917. The early Seventeenth-Century Plaster Ceilings of Barnstaple. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 49. A5 Hardback. 194, Plate 15. |
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SDV344030 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2010. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #108594 ] |
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SDV344471 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1973. Barnstaple Borough. Historic Houses Register. Unknown. 24. |
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SDV344472 | Ground Photograph: Child, P.. 1990. 7 Cross Street. Photograph (Paper) + Digital. |
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SDV348729 | National Heritage List for England: English Heritage. 2012. National Heritage List for England. Website. |
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SDV351581 | Un-published: Southwest Archaeology. 2013. Greater Barnstaple Area Project Database. Greater Barnstaple Area Project. Digital. BHBS Mapping Area 285. |
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SDV352179 | Correspondence: Child, P.. Jan 1996. 7 Cross Street, Barnstaple. Building control correspondence re works to 7 Cross Street, Barnstaple. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
SDV79511 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1988. Barnstaple. Historic Houses Register. Website. Amendment. |
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SDV82149 | Report - Assessment: Rance, C. + Weddell, P. J.. 1994. An Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Marks and Spencer Development in Holland Street and Paiges Lane, Barnstaple. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 94.04. A4 Stapled + Digital. 6. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV844 | Related to: 8 Cross Street, Barnstaple (Building) |
MDV11998 | Related to: Stafford Barton (Building) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV1378 - Barnstaple Castle Car Park Scheme Archaeological Assessment
Date Last Edited: | Nov 26 2014 2:42PM |
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