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HER Number:MDV9894
Name:Former Assembly Rooms, Den Crescent, Teignmouth


Neo-classical style building, built in 1826 as the Public Assembly, Reading and Billiard Rooms, and forming the centrepiece of Den Crescent. Converted to a cinema during the 20th century.


Grid Reference:SX 941 728
Map Sheet:SX97SW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishTeignmouth
Ecclesiastical ParishWEST TEIGNMOUTH

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX97SW/45
  • Old Listed Building Ref (II): 461113

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ASSEMBLY ROOMS (XIX to Mid 20th Century - 1826 AD to 1934 AD)
  • CINEMA (XX - 1901 AD to 2000 AD)

Full description

Ordnance Survey, 1855-1895, First Edition 1:500 Town Map (Cartographic). SDV338879.

'East Devon & Teignmouth Club' shown.

Lake, W. C., 1874, Sketch of the History of Teignmouth, 384 (Article in Serial). SDV302882.

Lake, W. C., 1890, Notes on the Origin of the Streets of Teignmouth, and on their Nomenclature (Article in Serial). SDV291838.

Fine building forming the East Devon and Teignmouth Club, originally built, and for many years used, as the Public Assembly, Reading and Billiard Rooms.

Pevsner, N., 1952, The Buildings of England: South Devon, 279-80 (Monograph). SDV336217.

Now a cinema. Laid out and built by Patey of Exeter in 1826. A low Doric colonnade on the ground floor and Ionic columns above.

Bulley, J.A., 1956, Teignmouth as a Seaside Resort, 150, 157, Pl. 23 (Article in Serial). SDV350516.

Largest Regency-style building in Teignmouth, forming the centrepiece of Den Crescent, built at the same time. Spacious ballroom where concerts were held. Used as a cinema during the twentieth century.

Devon County Council, 1975, Teignmouth Town Walk, 64 (Article in Serial). SDV352463.

The Assembly Rooms, now the Riviera Cinema, were designed by William Patey.

Department of Environment, 1983, Teignmouth, 17 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV338952.

Built 1826 as Assembly Rooms. Architect Mr Patey (probably Andrew Patey of Exeter). This forms the central feature of Den Crescent. It was restored and altered in 1934. Neo-classical style. Two storeys stuccoed, the ground floor having seven bay Greek Doric portico with seven bay Roman Ionic order with pediment above. Glazing renewed in 1930s.

Pearson, A., 1985, Visitor's Guide to Teignmouth, South Devon, 97 (Monograph). SDV300876.

The Public Assembly Rooms was converted into a cinematograph hall before the First World War, and is a listed building.

Wilson, V., 1994, Teignmouth Historic Walkabout (Pamphlet). SDV354751.

Devon County Council + Teignbridge District Council, 1994, Teignmouth Townscape Assessment, 15 (Report - Assessment). SDV351926.

The central 'set piece' of the resort town executed in Grecian style by Exeter architect Andrew Patey in 1826 with Doric columns and portico on the ground floor and Ionic columns with pediment on the first floor.

Ordnance Survey, 2012, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV348725.

English Heritage, 2012, National Heritage List for England (National Heritage List for England). SDV348729.

Riviera Cinema. Assembly Rooms. 1826 by Andrew Patey of Exeter. Restored and altered 1934. Neoclassical style. Rectangular plan with stair turret to rear right. Exterior: three storeys; symmetrical seven-window range. A cornice and blocking course surround the building, 20th century additions to the roof. A projecting ground floor has eight unfluted Greek Doric columns in antis; the upper floors have 1934 ornamental windows (good of their type) articulated by an Ionic grand order of four central columns supporting a pediment flanked by pilasters. Windows to the returns are blind, those to the right return are later 19th century with moulded architraves, some are tripartite with cornices on consoles. Twentieth century shops to the ground floor. Interior: not inspected but known to be altered following conversion into a cinema in mid 20th century. The centrepiece of an elegant planned layout by Patey which forms an overall crescent facing the sea, flanked by Nos 6-10 and 1-5.

Essex, S. + Brayshay, M., 2018, Devon Tourism: The Story of the County's Economic Leviathan, 186 (Article in Serial). SDV366091.

An 1818 source refers to “fine premises” erected on Teignmouth’s sea front in 1796, comprising a dancehall for up to 100 couples, a billiards room and reading room. The present building was presumably built as a replacement.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV291838Article in Serial: Lake, W. C.. 1890. Notes on the Origin of the Streets of Teignmouth, and on their Nomenclature. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 22. A5 Hardback.
SDV300876Monograph: Pearson, A.. 1985. Visitor's Guide to Teignmouth, South Devon. Visitor's Guide to Teignmouth, South Devon. A5 Paperback. 97.
SDV302882Article in Serial: Lake, W. C.. 1874. Sketch of the History of Teignmouth. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 6 Part 2. Digital. 384.
SDV336217Monograph: Pevsner, N.. 1952. The Buildings of England: South Devon. The Buildings of England: South Devon. Paperback Volume. 279-80.
SDV338879Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1855-1895. First Edition 1:500 Town Map. First Edition 1:500 Town Map. Map (Digital).
SDV338952List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1983. Teignmouth. Historic Houses Register. A4 Comb Bound. 17.
SDV348725Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2012. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #110311 ]
SDV348729National Heritage List for England: English Heritage. 2012. National Heritage List for England. Website.
SDV350516Article in Serial: Bulley, J.A.. 1956. Teignmouth as a Seaside Resort. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 88. A5 Hardback. 150, 157, Pl. 23.
SDV351926Report - Assessment: Devon County Council + Teignbridge District Council. 1994. Teignmouth Townscape Assessment. Devon County Council + Teignbridge District Council. A4 Unbound + Digital. 15.
SDV352463Article in Serial: Devon County Council. 1975. Teignmouth Town Walk. Devon Town Trails: European Architectural Heritage Year. Paperback Volume. 64.
SDV354751Pamphlet: Wilson, V.. 1994. Teignmouth Historic Walkabout. Leaflet.
SDV366091Article in Serial: Essex, S. + Brayshay, M.. 2018. Devon Tourism: The Story of the County's Economic Leviathan. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 150. Paperback Volume. 186.

Associated Monuments

MDV84629Related to: 1-5 Den Crescent, Teignmouth (Building)
MDV84644Related to: 6-10 Den Crescent, Teignmouth (Building)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Dec 20 2024 12:18PM