MDV23802 | 1 - 27 Clarence road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23754 | 1 and 2 Albion Terrace, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23598 | 1 and 3 Rolle Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23786 | 10 Bicton Place, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23764 | 10 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23789 | 11 and 13 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23765 | 11 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23795 | 12 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23766 | 12 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23787 | 13 Bicton Place, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23767 | 13 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23796 | 14 Bicton Street, Exmoouth (Building) |
MDV23768 | 14 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23587 | 14-22 Montpellier Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23769 | 15 and 15A The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23790 | 15 and 17 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23589 | 15 North Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23770 | 16 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23800 | 17 Chapel Hill, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23590 | 17 North Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23771 | 17 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23797 | 18 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23772 | 18 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23791 | 19 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23591 | 19 North Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23810 | 2 - 6 Henrietta Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23586 | 2 and 4 Montpellier Road, Exmouth. (Building) |
MDV23597 | 2 Queen's Court, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23798 | 20 - 72 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23774 | 20 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23775 | 21 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23606 | 21 The Strand, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23776 | 22 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23792 | 23 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23793 | 27 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23803 | 29 Clarence Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23755 | 3 and 4 Albion Terrace, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23581 | 3 and 4 Louise Terrace, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23759 | 3 and 4 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23804 | 31 and 33 Clarence Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23592 | 31 to 41 North Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23607 | 35 The Strand, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23608 | 36 The Strand, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23805 | 4 - 8 clarence Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23782 | 4 Bicton Place, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23609 | 40 The Strand, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23610 | 42 and 43 The Strand, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23611 | 44 The Strand, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23612 | 45 The Strand, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23794 | 45 to 53 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23613 | 46 The Strand, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23582 | 5 and 6 Louisa Terrace, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23783 | 5 Bicton Place, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23760 | 5 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23756 | 5, 5A and 6 Albion Terrace, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23784 | 6, 6A and 7 Bicton Place, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23757 | 7 and 8 Albion Terrace, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23762 | 7 and 8 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23788 | 7 and 9 Bicton Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23617 | 8-16 Windsor Square, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23583 | 9 and 10 Louisa Terrace, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23785 | 9 Bicton Place, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23599 | 9 Rolle Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23763 | 9 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV16282 | A La Ronde, Withycombe Raleigh, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23779 | Alma House, Beacon Hill, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23600 | Athelstan Cottage, St Johns Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23604 | Bassetts Farmhouse, St Johns Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23580 | Beacon Hill House, Louisa Terrace, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23619 | Boldbrook Cottage, 145 Withycombe Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23773 | Byron Court, 19 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23799 | Castle Cottages, Castle Lane, Littleham (Building) |
MDV10661 | Church of St. John in the Wilderness, Withycombe Raleigh, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV21731 | Church of St. John the Evangelist, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23750 | Courtlands House (Building) |
MDV23751 | Garden Steps, Courtland House (Building) |
MDV23752 | Garden Wall, Courtlands Lane (Building) |
MDV23593 | Gate piers to 37 North Street, Exmouth (Monument) |
MDV23605 | Gaveney House, 5 Salterton Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23780 | Golden Dragon Restaurant, Beacon Hill, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23622 | Greengates Cottages, 249 and 251 Withycombe Village Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23602 | Higher Lodge, St Johns Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV19353 | Holy Trinity Parish Church, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23753 | Jubilee Clock, The Esplanade, Exmouth (Monument) |
MDV23778 | Lamp Standard Opposite the Royal Beacon Hotel, Exmouth (Monument) |
MDV23576 | Lychgate to St. Margaret and St. Andrew's Church, Littleham (Monument) |
MDV23575 | Manor Cottage, 5 St. Andrew's Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23761 | Nelson House, 6 The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23616 | Old Country House and Mundys Farm, West Down Lane, Littleham, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23585 | Parrys, Marley Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV83997 | Pearson's Garage, Courtlands Cross, Withycombe Raleigh (Building) |
MDV23614 | Pilot Lights, 1 Tower Street (Building) |
MDV16283 | Point In View, Summer Lane, Withycombe Raleigh, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23618 | Porch Cottages, 129, 131-135 Withycombe Village Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23777 | Royal Beacon Hotel, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23801 | Shop on Corner of Beacon Hill facing Chapel Hill, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23781 | Site of Lamp Standard at Junction of Beacon Hill and Alexandra Terrace. (Monument) |
MDV23601 | South Lodge, St Johns Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV10628 | St. Margaret and St. Andrew's Church, Littleham, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23623 | Strangford, 230 Withycombe Village Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23620 | The Cottage, Withycombe Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23758 | The Manor Hotel, The Beacon, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23579 | The Manse, Summer Lane, Withycombe Raleigh, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23588 | The Old Manor House, North Street, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23621 | The Old Vicarage, 110 Withycombe Village Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23594 | The Powder Monkey, 2 The Parade, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23749 | The Temple, Alexandra Terrace, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV10676 | Tower Street Methodist Church, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23595 | Travershes Cottage, Pound Lane, Withycombe Raleigh, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23578 | Withycombe Barton, St. John's Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23603 | Withycombe House now Hill Crest School, St Johns Road, Exmouth (Building) |
MDV23615 | Ye Olde Tythe Cottage, Littleham, Exmouth (Building) |