Summary: | Old rifle butts near piles hill. Situated n of the depression at the source of the butter brook, on the s slope of piles hill; the remains of eight rifle butts erected in 1861. Four are in ugborough parish, four in harford: either side of the row of stones marking the boundary. Built in split granite blocks; some showing tare-and-feather splitting. Now mostly a jumble of fallen stones. Appear to have been placed in pairs, with about 68m separating the butts in each pair, on a line n-s. Local knowledge suggests there used to be a stone or stones marked with the range distance, but nothing of this found in 1974. Vis=-/-/1977 & 1980 (hankin, c. F. ). The butts arearranged in pairs, two pairs are in ugborough, and two are in harford (the parish boundary is the prehistoric butterdon stone row). The distance between each pair e-w is about 83 yards. |