Summary: | Vis=-/-/1954 (?) (ancient monuments) double rectangle of earthwork, just visible on the ground, which is under cultivation. Formerly a golf course. Earthworks consisted of an outer sub-rectangular ditched enclosure about 122m across, and an inner one circa 30.5m overall, more or less centrally placed on the hill-crest. Excavations by fox and ravenhill 1956-7. The inner defences were sectioned, and much of the inner enclosure stripped. The inner enclosure, measuring 36.6m (n-s)by 37.8m (e-w) had an internal clay rampart (3.5 - 4.5m wide),'v'-shaped ditch (2.5m-3m wide, and 1.5-1.8m deep) and counter-scarp bank of clay and shale. Clay sods were probably used to revet the rampart. |