MDV43689 | 186 High Street, Honiton (Building) |
MDV43687 | 196 to 200 High Street, Honiton (Building) |
MDV43692 | 207-213 High Street, Honiton (Building) |
MDV43691 | 229 and 231 High Street, Honiton (Building) |
MDV43690 | 239 High Street, Honiton (Building) |
MDV43685 | April Cottage, Exeter Road, Honiton (Building) |
MDV43683 | Bramble Hill House, Exeter Road, Honiton (Building) |
MDV59267 | Brick and Tile Works, Mount Close, Honiton (Monument) |
MDV43682 | Burwood, Exeter Road, Honiton (Building) |
MDV43693 | Elmfield, Dowell Street, Honiton (Building) |
MDV36598 | Gravel Pit, Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton (Monument) |
MDV18716 | Honiton Town Mills, Millhead Road, Honiton (Monument) |
MDV65571 | Leat to the west of Dowell Street, Honiton (Monument) |
MDV36600 | Marl Pit, Honiton (Monument) |
MDV43694 | Oakmount, Dowell Street, Honiton (Building) |
MDV65573 | Possible Mill Site (Monument) |
MDV44031 | Prehistoric field system to the west of Honiton (Monument) |
MDV14606 | Prehistoric Stone Tools, Dowell Street (Monument) |
MDV43686 | Ridgway House, Exeter Road, Honiton (Building) |
MDV1875 | Roman Road from Exeter to Honiton (Monument) |
MDV43684 | Site of Rockwood House, Exeter Road, Honiton (Monument) |
MDV43681 | St Leonard's, Exeter Road, Honiton (Building) |
MDV1874 | St Margaret's Almshouses (Southern Block), Exeter Road, Honiton (Building) |
MDV43680 | St Margaret's Chapel, Exeter Road, Honiton (Building) |
MDV43688 | White Lion Inn, 194 High Street (Building) |