MDV92128 | 101 High Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV97454 | 105 High Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV97455 | 111 and 112 High Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV74168 | 12 and 13 East Street, Crediton, (Building) |
MDV74167 | 14 East Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV74166 | 15 East Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV51384 | 19-21 Dean Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV74170 | 8a and 8b East Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV74169 | 9,10 and 10a East Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV73887 | Church of the Holy Cross, Buller Memorial (Building) |
MDV73886 | Churchyard Boundary Walls, Railings, Gate Piers and Gates (Building) |
MDV74165 | Old Hayward's School, Crediton (Building) |
MDV74172 | St Clares and attached Garden Walls, 62 East Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV23454 | The Manor House, Parliament Street, Crediton (Building) |
MDV23462 | Union Terrace, Crediton (Monument) |
MDV74171 | Vine Cottage, 63 East Street, Crediton (Building) |