MDV75558 | 11 Bridge Street, Bideford (Building) |
MDV73665 | 15 and 16 The Strand, Bideford (Building) |
MDV75519 | 20 Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Building) |
MDV36844 | 21 High Street, Bideford (Building) |
MDV78881 | 26 The Strand (Building) |
MDV78888 | 32 Bridgeland Street, Bideford (Building) |
MDV36852 | 66 High Street, Bideford (Building) |
MDV78860 | 8 and 9 Market Place, Bideford (Monument) |
MDV78890 | 8, Lower Gunstone, Bideford (Building) |
MDV78876 | 8a and 9 Grenville Street (Building) |
MDV18918 | Bideford (Monument) |
MDV494 | Bideford Quay (Monument) |
MDV73292 | Bridgeland Street, Bideford (Monument) |
MDV78884 | Buttgarden Street, Bideford (Monument) |
MDV78854 | King Street, Bideford (Monument) |
MDV497 | Long Bridge or Bideford Bridge, Bideford (Monument) |
MDV78883 | Market Building, Market Place, Bideford (Building) |
MDV78878 | Market Place, High Street (Monument) |
MDV78886 | Methodist Chapel, Bridge Street, Bideford (Monument) |
MDV78856 | Queen Street Quay, Bideford (Monument) |
MDV78855 | Queen Street, Bideford (Monument) |
MDV58456 | St David's House, Commercial Wharf, Bideford (Building) |
MDV78880 | Strand House, 4 The Strand (Building) |
MDV500 | The Royal Hotel, Bideford (Building) |
MDV76284 | Warehouse, King Street, Bideford (Monument) |
MDV78861 | Warehouse, Queen Street (Monument) |