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OASIS ID:cornwall2-134883
Title:Bedford Mine Trail, Gulworthy, Devon: Impact Assessment
Originator:Buck, C.
Summary:A new circular footpath trail is planned around parts of Bedford United Mine to/from the Sawmills Car Park as part of the Tamar Valley Mining Heritage Project. This impact assessment report is intended to inform and guide the Tamar Valley Mining Heritage Project (TVMHP), Devon County Council Historic Environment Service (DHES), and the Cornwall and West Devon World Heritage Site (Planning Advice Team), by assessing the impact of creation of the proposed trail and building conservation and site safety works upon the site’s significant assets. Archaeological impact recommendations include a programme of archaeological site consultancy before works start (to ensure the fencing/boardwalk/landing works will have a minimal impact), during works (for site supervision, archaeological recording, and liaison with DCHES), and after works to ensure the works were sensitively completed, as part of an overall mitigation strategy.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1047813

Associated Monuments (19)

MDV70260ADIT in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70263ADIT in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70264ADIT in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV3861Bedford United Mine, Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70266DAM in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV3862Devon Great Consolidated Mine, Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70262DRESSING FLOOR in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70267DRESSING FLOOR in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70267DRESSING FLOOR in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70267DRESSING FLOOR in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70267DRESSING FLOOR in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70261LEAT in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV135258Masonry feature or shaft at Bedford Mine, Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV135257Possible shaft or wheelpit, Bedford Mine, Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70268SHAFT in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV135259Stope excavations, Bedford Mine, Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV70320Turbine machinery plinth, Bedford Mine, Gulworthy (Find Spot)
MDV71613Wheal Thomas/Watson, Flat Rod Cuttings (Monument)
MDV71612Wheal Thomas/Watson, Shaft & Adit (Monument)
MDV70276WHEEL PIT in the Parish of Gulworthy (Monument)
MDV135103Wheelpit/tailrace tunnel, Bedford United Mine (Monument)