ID: | SDV361426 |
OASIS ID: | acarchae2-151729 |
Title: | The South West Coast Path 'Unlocking our Heritage' Project. High Peak Camp, Otterton, East Devon |
Originator: | Rainbird, P. + Hughes, S. |
Date: | 2013 |
Summary: | Archaeological works were undertaken by AC archaeology at High Peak, near Sidmouth, Devon, during September 2012 in order to gain a better understanding of how the site was used in the Neolithic and post-Roman/early medieval periods. Five trenches were excavated, both adjacent to parts of the site investigated during earlier works in the 1960s and in areas not previously examined. Worked flint and chert including numerous flakes, cores and tools was recovered and also a significant amount of flint knapping debitage. Thirty nine sherds of Neolithic pottery was also recovered. The 2012 corpus was compared and added to the pottery from the 1960s excavations. Few Neolithic features were exposed and only a single posthole dated to this phase from which charred plant remains were recovered and identified. No new data was therefore provided regarding the possible identification of the site as a causewayed enclosure.
Eleven pottery sherds were recovered from the fills of the post-Roman ditches. These date from the late 5th or early 6th century (c. 450-550AD), which is further supported by radiocarbon dates. Two of the sherds were probably from one of the same vessels discovered during the 1960s. The pottery is of Late Roman Amphora type. |
DOI (permanent link): | |