More information : (c NY 638252) 768. Upper part of a tombstone of buff sandstone, 25 x 27 in (1/8), found in 1949 in the burial-area about 1/4 mile south-east of Kirkby Thore fort, in the field east of the Trout Beck and north of the Roman road. Now in the possession of Mr T D Shepherd, 21 King St, Penrith. Drawn by RPW, 1953. JRS xl (1950) 116 Birley CW21 (1950) 207. D(is) M(anibus) G(ai) Atto (ni ... 'To the spirits of the departed (and) of Gaius Attonius...' ATTO (nom) or ATTO (dat) (both here withdrawn), or ATTO (NI or ATTO (NIO RPW; ATTO (NI Bir. (1) (c NY 641249) 769. Part of a tombstone with funeral-banquet scene, 30 x 28 in, with panel 4 x 5-1/2 in (1/4), found in 1860 in diverting the turnpike road at Kirkby Thore Railway Station, 1/2 mile south-east of the fort. Now at Lowther Castle. Drawn by RPW 1945. CIL vii 303a, 1352. EE iii p 127; ix p 565 Bruce AA2v (1861) 140 LS 752 (see also 751). RCHM Westm pl 3 filia Cresc(entis) imag (i)nif(e)ri '...daughter of Crescens, imaginifer.' 4. NIEB or NIFRF Hueb, from different squeezes; NIER Hueb (from Bruce); NIFERI FH; NIFRI RPW The missing left-hand panel must have included the name of the daughter. For imaginifer see Index 6. 770. Fragment of a buff sandstone tombstone, 8 x 6 in (1/4), found in 1860 in diverting the turnpike road at Kirkby Thore. Now at Lowther Castle. Drawn by RPW, 1945. CIL 948a LS 751. ...)um(...)...uet)erani(... ...)ertius (... ...) eu(... '...veteran....' 1. Omitted by others;.)VM(...RWP 2-4. RANI TRTIV PFV Bruce. 3. FRTIV Hueb. 4. R (or P or B) followed by E (or F) RPW. (2)