More information : [NY 6953 4885] (1) Two altars found about a hundred yards N.E. of the N.E. angle of Whitley Castle. One, in 1803, and removed toBedfordshire, was dedicated to Hercules. The other, uncovered while digging a drain in 1837, was mounted on a pedestal set on four rough pillars. A foundation deposit of four coins included one of Faustina I. The altar, inscribed D o Apo n G lus coh Ne, is now in the Museum of Antiquities, Newcastle. A third inscribed altar, seen at Castle Nook Farm [NY 6958 4900] is now lost./(2)(3) [See also NY 64 NE for a 4th Altar] (1-3) These finds suggest a shrine or temple, but there are no surface traces of one. (4) Above altar, removed to Bedford, is in Bedford Museum. (5)