More information : (NY 617664) Three centurial stones were found in 1956 during conservation work by D of E (IAM) at distances of 263, 250 and 88ft E of the NE corner of Birdoswald fort. Details of inscriptions as follows:- a. TIIRTI; b. PP, c. COH III. (1)
An additional stone was found in 1956, and 7 in 1957 during conservation work at the following distances from the E wall of the fort: a. at 361 ft reading CHO VI FENI ALEX b. at 444ft, COH VI EPPI CONST c. at 473ft, VIIS d. at 508ft, PP e. at 580ft, SECVNDINI VERVLLI P XXX f. at 607ft, COH VIII IVL PRIMI g. at 713ft, CHO VIII FLA B<>SI h. somewhere E of item g; VLP PAVLLI. (2)
Set into the wall between Birdoswald fort and MC49 and marked by metal tags are 8 stones (six inscribed and 2 phallic symbols). From the E wall of the fort they are situated at 55.0m, 80.0m, 154.2m, 176.1m, 184.3m, 237.9m, 361.5m and 366.0m respectively. (3)
(Phallic symbols now recorded under NY 66 NW 58 & 59. The stones inscribed COH VIII IVL PRIMI, SECVNDI VERVLLI PXXX and TIIRTI, are now recorded under NY 66 NW 229, 230 and 231 respectively) (Stone inscribed PP is now recorded under NY 66 NW 233) |