More information : [NY 7564 6624] ROMAN MILESTONE [G.S.] (Remains of) (1)
Cylindrical milestone (Roman Inscriptions in Britain No.2308) seen in, or before, 1725 standing on the north side of the Stanegate one Roman mile west of the Roman milestone which stands 120 yards east of Chesterholm [NY 76 NE 26]. About 1815 it was split vertically into two pieces to serve as gate posts; but the roughly rectangular base, with the lower end of the shaft is still in position. Two parts of the main shaft survive at the gateway on the road 160 yards to the west. Both have been roughly dressed and carry no trace of extant lettering. Former inscription as follows: bon/rei/public/nato. (2-2a)
Scheduled. (3)
Only the base, in situ, remains; the gateway has been rebuilt and the posts lost. See Ground Photograph AOF/57/67. (4)
Base of milestone in situ. (5)
Located on the English Heritage map of Hadrian's Wall 2010. (6)