More information : [NY 772663] The top of a Ro. inscribed panel (No.1691) is built into the north face of the garden wall just east of the entry into the orchard which lies east of Chesterholm garden. No. 1698. Part of a Ro. altar, inscribed Veteri tin s is built into the west wall of the house at Chesterholm. No. 1701 The top of a Ro. altar, inscribed Deae is in the rock garden at Chesterholm. No. 1711 An inscribed building stone built into the south end of the west wall of Chesterholm. (1)
Nos. 1701 and 1711, are at NY 77246639 and NY 77236636 respectively. No. 1698 could not be located, and 1691 was presumably lost when the wall was rebuilt some years ago. Neither stone is known to the present owners of the house. (2)
Although not noticed by Lewis, 'Temples in Ro. Brit.' 1966, the stones may possibly indicate the site of a temple or temples. (3) |