More information : (NZ 27615158) Roman Altar found A.D.1833. (NAT) (1) 1045. Altar, 11 X 21 in. (1/8), with plain sides, found in 1886 about 300 yds. north of Chester-le-Street fort in alluvial soil beside the Cong Burn, about 400 yds. from its confluence with the River Wear. Now in the Black Gate. Drawn by R. G. C., 1924. EE vii 984. ILS 4557. Bruce PSAN<2> ii (1886) 175 with pl. fig. 4, AA<2> xii (1887) 285 with fig. Watkin AJ xliv (1887) 121. Cat. no. 35. Deo Marti Condati V(alerius) [P]rob[i]anus [pr]o se et suis u(otum) s(oluit) l(ibens) m(erito) 'To the god Mars Condates, Valerius Probianus for himself and his household willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow.' 2. CONDATIV[S] Bruce; CONDATI V[A]L Watk.; CONDATI V[AL] R. G. C. 3. [P]ROBINVS Bruce; [P]ROBI[A]NVS Watk.; [P]ROB[I]NVS R. G. C.; PROB[I]ANVS R. P. W. For Mars Condates see RIB 731, 1024. (2)