More information : (TQ 33618077) B2 Trinity Place, 1852, 1882, and 1935 During excavations of the E. side of Trinity Place in 1852, a semi-circular bastion containing Roman architectural fragments and portions of tombstones was found. Among the latter was the first piece found of the tombstone of Classicianus the Procurator. (See Pl. 4.) A further portion of the bastion was destroyed in excavations for the Inner Circle Railway, 1882-5, and more sculptured stones were found. Finally in 1935, when the Trinity Place sub-station of the London Passeger Transport Board was being built, the remainder of the bastion, part of the N. side, standing four courses high, was exposed. In the lowest course, upside down, was a second portion of the inscription from the tomb of Classicianus, containing parts of the last three lines, including the title 'PROC. PROVINC. BRIT.' (See Pl. 5, and Fig. 4, p. 41.) (See TQ 38 SW830: Roman City Wall)