More information : 722. Dedication-slab found shortly before 1600 at the Roman fort of Bainbridge, or Brough-by-Bainbridge, Wensleydale. It was flanked on the left by a panel carrying a winged Victory, but the corresponding panel on the right was lost. While the upper and left-hand margins survived, the stone had lost its lower margin and the right-hand portion which had carried a few letters in each line and the figure of Victory. The stone was broken vertically through the text. Lost before the time of Horsley. Reproduced from Camden MS. Imp(eratori) Caesari L(ucio) Septimio [Seuro] / Pio Pert[i]naci Augu[sto et] / imp(eratori) Caesari M(arco) Aurelio A[ntonino] / Pio Feli[ci] Augusto et P(ublio) S[eptimio / Getae nobilissimo Caesari uallum cum] / bracchio caementicium [fecit coh(ors)] / VI Neruio[ru]m sub cura L(uci) A[lfeni] / Senecion[is] amplissimi [u(iri) c(onsularis) institit] / operi L(ucius) Viu[i]us Pius praep[(ositus) coh(ortis) c(enturio) / l]egio[nis ... 'For the Emperor Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus and for the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus and for Publius Septimius Geta, most noble Caesar, the Sixth Cohort of Nervians built this [rampart] of uncoursed masonry with annexe-wall under the charge of Lucius Alfenus Senecio, senator of consular rank; Lucius Vivius Pius, commander of the cohort, centurion of the ... Legion ..., had direction of the work.' 1-10. (As in line-block) Camd. MS.; IMP CAES L. SEPTIMIO / PIO PERTINACI AVGV ... / IMP CAESARI M AVRELIO A. .. / PIO FELICI AVGVSTO ... / ... / BRACCHIO CAEMENTICIVM .. / VI NERVIORVM SVB CVRA L A / SENECION AMPLISSIMI ... / OPERI L. VISPIVS PRAE ... / ... LEGIO ... Camd. (1600). 1. [SEVERO], 2. AVGV[STO ET], 3. A[NTONINO] Henzen, Hueb., R.P.W. 4 ff. [ET / P. SEPT. GETAE NO/BILISSIMO CAESARI / ET IVLIAE AVG MATR AVGG ET KASTR / Henzen. 4, 5. [ET / P. SEPTIMIO GETA NOB CAES VALLVM CVM] / Hueb. 6, 7. [MVRVM / COH] Henzen; [COH] Hueb., R.P.W. 7. A[LFENI] Henzen, Hueb., R.P.W. 8. AMPLISSIMI [VIRI INSTITIT] Henzen; [CO(N)S(VLARIS)] AMPLISSIMI [FECIT INSTITIT] Hueb. 9. L. VISPIVS PRAE ... / . LEGIO Henzen; L. VISPVIS PRAE[POSITVS VEXILLATIONI] / LEGIO[NIS VI VICTRICIS P F Hueb., noting that Vispius must be corrupt; L. VIV[I]VS PIVS R.P.W. The governorship of Alfenus Senecio dates to 205-(approx.) 208 (Birley in Askew Coinage 81, JRS li (1961) 192 no. 4). The text precedes the appointment of Geta as Augustus in A.D. 209. (1) 723. Part of a dedication-slab found shortly before 1586 at Brough-by-Bainbridge, and then seen by Camden at Nappa, 2 miles east of Bainbridge. Camden says that this text came under a statue of Commodus in the guise of Hercules, having a club in his right hand. Horsley sought it in vain. Now lost; text printed from Camden (1586). ...... CAESARI AVGVSTO MARCI AVRELII FILIO .......... SENIS IOVIS AMPLISSIMI VENTS PIVS [Imp(eratori)] Caesari Augusto [... / Marci Aurelii filio [... / ... sub cura l(uci) Alfeni] / Sen[ec]ionis amplissimi [... / VENTS [.....] Pius [... 'For the Emperor Caesar Augustus...son of Marcus Aurelius...under the charge of Lucius Alfenus Senecio, of senatorial rank, ... Pius ....' 4. SENIS IOVIS Camd. (1586); SEN IOVIS Camd. (1600). As the name of [L. Alfenus] Senecio, amplissimus uir can here be restored, the inscription can be dated to about 205-about 208 (cf. RIB 722). Birley and Richmond AA4 xiii (1936) 225 n. 10 suggest that the Severan inscription had been reused as a flagstone in the fourth-century Headquarters Building, and that on it there had been placed a statue of Maximianus Herculius (Augustus A.D. 286-305). Huebner (Rh.Mus.) suggests that Camden gave a version of RIB 722 as a doublet; he rejects this in CIL. 724. Fragment of millstone grit, 16 X 3 in. (1/8), with the upper part of the stone cut away. Found in 1926 in the gutter of the commandant's house at Brough-by-Bainbridge. Now missing. Drawn by R. G. C., 1926. ...].A.DEC.IIN.[.../CEPTAELLI[... 2. C(VI) P(RAEEST) T(ITVS) AEL(IVS) L[R.G.C., with tentative restorations. (2)