More information : (TQ 3481. Roman inscribed stone sited from Auth 1 plate 55 and OS 10000 1979).
A small inscribed slab 15 inches by 12 inches was found in 1787 in Goodman's Field and is now at Burlington House, Soc of Antiquities. It reads:
"D(is) M(anilius) Fl(avius) Agricola, mil(es) leg(ionis) VI vict(ricis), v(ixit) an(nos) XLII d(ies) X; Albina Faustina Coniugi inconparabili f(aciendum) c(urosit)".
("In memory of Flavious Agricala, private of the Sixth Victorius Legion, aged 42 years and 10 days; erected by Albina Faustina to her matchless husband"). (1) |