More information : (SO 27705547) Castle Twts (NR). (1)
Castle Twts, mount and bailey, occupies the top of a small hill, the slopes of which appear to have been artificially steepened to some extent. The S part of the top appears to have been roughly levelled to form a bailey, with a small motte at its S end. At the foot of the bailey-scarp on the NW, is a small irregular terrace with traces of a bank on its W side. The NE part of the hill-top is sloping, and there are indications of an approach-causeway on the E side. The motte is some 57 ft in diameter at the base and rises some 8 ft only above the level of the bailey. (2)
The motte, 2.4 m high with a flat top, 8m in diameter, is built at the SW end of a small steep-sided hill and the bailey occupies the remainder of the level top. No indications of earthworks could be seen in the bracken-covered ground to the NW and NE of the bailey. Published survey (25") revised. (3)
The position is naturally defended to the W. and S., and the actual entrenchments are notably slight. Possible outworks are difficult to distinguish from natural features. It appears that the site was abandoned before the completion of its defensive works. (4)
SO 276555. Small motte and bailey on scarped hill, with curious outworks. (5)
The earthwork remains of the motte and bailey known as Castle Twts described by the previous authorities were seen centred at SO 2770 5548 and mapped from aerial photographs. (6)
Additional reference. (7) |