More information : (SO 27645135) CASTLE MOUND (NR) (1)
Tump or mound, roughly circular, about 90 ft in diameter at the base and rising 17 1/2 ft above the lowest part of the ditch. The ditch is dry, but a stream runs through it on the W side. Listed as castle (2-3)
A small motte 3.3m high with a flat but mutilated summit 5.0m in diameter. A large hole has been dug on the E side. The ditch, 1.5m deep, around the east and south sides, ends on the bank of a stream on the W side. Published survey (1:2500) revised. (4)
SO 276514. Cumma Tump. Motte and apparently bailey, both diminutive, partly defended by a small steep gully. (5)
Additional reference. (6)
The earthwork remains of the small Medieval motte known as Cumma Tump described by the previous authorities was seen centred at SO 2764 5135. The site was seen as an earthwork and mapped from aerial photographs. (7)
Shoesmith maintains that a possible bailey is hidden in trees and undergrowth. (8) |