More information : (Centred NY 39845590). The Deanery (NAT) Tower (NR) (1) See ground Photograph. (2) The Deanery. No 5 and stable and coach-house adjoining No 5 to the south. These buildings form a group including a central three storey pele tower, circa 1507, in red sandstone ashlar, with a lead and timber roof and embattled parapet. The tower has two stone oriel windows on the first floor. No 5 is a three storey building circa 1700. Adjoining No 5 to the south is a low stable and coach-house, built in sandstone with a stone roof, a segmental archway and a pointd archway. Grade 1. (3 - 4) 1. 947 The Abbey 1.6.49. The Deanery & No 5 & Stable and Coachhouse adjoining No 5 on South NY 3955 7/9 I 2. Circa 1507 and circa 1700. Central pele tower, in red sandstone ashlar, with lead and timber roof and embattled parapet, overlooking the West Walls at the rear, 3 storeys, with stone vault on ground floor, 2 stone oriel windows to main room on 1st floor, with large open fireplace and contemporary painted timber ceiling, and wall panelling of circa 1700. 3-storeyed portion to south (now No 5) has 3 sash windows to middle storey, with moulded stone dressings, circa 1700, and a low stable and coach-house adjoining on south, also in sandstone, with a stone roof, a segmental archway and a pointed archway. 2-storeyed buildings to the north of the tower are of circa 1500, but have been altered.
Authority 5 is the full text of Authority 3. (5)