More information : (SO 3713 7742) Earthwork (NR) (1)
Hopton (Warfield Bank). Rather slight remains of a ringwork castle (2), only 80 ft in diameter, surrounded by a bank 9 ft high with an entrance to the NE. Plan (3). (2-3)
A ringwork, comprising a bank with an outer ditch, is set upon the summit of Warfield Bank, an isolated rounded knoll. The bank is 8.0m in width and averages 1.6m in height. The outer ditch, largely ploughed away or silted-up, is, on the N and S sides where best preserved, 4.0m in width, less than 0.2m in depth. The interior, 26.0m in diameter, is at outside ground level, but has been dug into on the E side for gravel, and on the W side has been quarried into for stone. A gap, 8.0m wide in the SE side is modern and is probably contemporary with the stone and gravel working. The original entrance may have been on the NE side where there is a slight lowering of the bank. Published 1:2500 survey revised. (4)
SO 3713 7739. Ringwork on Warfield Bank 500m south east of Park Cottage. Scheduled (RSM). Local tradition suggests that the site was constructed during the Civil War as an emplacement for the cannon shelling of Hopton Castle (SO 37 NE ) (5)
Listed by Cathcart King. (6)
The earthwork remains of this small ringwork castle enclosure and associated fields of ridge and furrow (located immediately to the north) were seen as earthworks and mapped from aerial photographs as part of the RCHME: Marches Uplands Mapping Project. The enclosure is defined by a single bank and outer ditch with a diameter of c.40m. There has been some quarrying on the SE side which has eroded the earthwork. There are the remains of a building within the enclsoure. (7) |