More information : (Area NY 328 591) Aballava (R) Roman Fort (R) (site of) (NAT) (1)
The Roman fort of Aballava, at Burgh-by-Sands, was partly investigated by Collingwood in 1922. Only the northern part of the east side was excavated; barrack buildings were found, almost entirely robbed. The excavations were continued southwards to the road where the robbed foundations of the east gate were found (at NY 3290 5908) (4). From pottery finds, the fort appears to have been occupied from the mid second, to the mid/late fourth century. By calculation Turret 71b should underlie the fort. (2-4)
No visible remains. (5)
Approximate site of Turret 71b, NY 3289 5914. (6)
Name 'ABALLAVA' accepted for 4th edition OS Roman Britain map. (7)
(NY 329 590). The position of the Military Way, which survived as an agger 8m wide with a kerb on the north side, suggests that the fort measures circa 167-77m north-south, rather more than previously thought. (8)
ABALLAVA - The Roman fort at Burgh-by-Sands, Cumbria. (9)
There is no visible trace of this fort except for a distinct drop in the road over the western defences, near the crossroads. (10)
(Turret 71B is now recorded separately as NY 35 NW 124) Geophysical survey in the north part of the fort was undertaken in 1992. (11)
Scheduled (12)
A project to publish the air survey and excavations carried out by the late G D B Jones in and around Burgh-by-Sands in 1977-82 has been carried out. This work has clarified the complex sequence at the fort and surrounding areas. Burgh II straddles the original line of the Turf Wall, and is probably of a late-Hadrianic or later date, having been built when the Wall was rebuilt in stone around 160 AD. (13)
Various paintings depicting the area around Burgh-by-Sands from the James Irwin Coates Archive (dated 1877-1896). (14)
Located on the English Heritage map of Hadrian's Wall 2010. (15)