More information : (SO 454393) Eaton Camp (NR). (1) Eaton Camp - promontory fort. The steep natural slope forms the only defence on the N & SE sides except for a short length of scarp at the S angle. There is a slight mound at the E apex of the triangle. The promontory, on the W side, is defended by a rampart, some-what denuded towards the N end, but with an average height of 11 ft towards the S. A return - scarp at the NW angle may indicate the position of the original entrance. (2) SO 454 393. A promontory fort with natural defences on the north and south-east sides. The defences on the approach side are massive, bivallate although the outer bank is now much spread and is completely destroyed in places. the inner bank is up to 5.0m high and turns at the south end to complete the defences. Several modern breaks occur along the bank and the entrance, though no longer apparent was probably at the NW corner. The mound at the eastern tip of the promontory is artificial and possibly represents an attempt at a final strong point within the work but the possibility of a belvedere or similar work cannot be ignored. Published Survey 25" Revised. (3)
SO 455 393. Eaton. Listed in gazetteer as a doubtful hillfort on the grounds that it does not appear on the OS Map of Southern Britain in the Iron Age (1962). It encloses an area of 7.2ha. (4) |