More information : (SO 52082390) Earthworks (NR). (1)
SO 521239. Earthwork at Tretire (see plan) reputed to have been a castle mound. Excavations in 1965 did not reveal any early building, wood or stone, nor a castle mound. The finds, 13th c pottery etc. are indicative of medieval manor life. The site was levelled in 1965. (2-3)
There are now no intelligible remains of this site. (4)
[Reputed building foundations and a clearly defined inner courtyard noted in early investigation of site]. (5)
Published report of excavation in 1965 identifies site with the medieval manor of Rythir, and distinguishes three structural periods, commencing with a timber phase, dated by pottery to the early 13th century, followed by the construction, probably in the late 13th century, of a moated mound supporting "a substantial stone building", occupied until demolition in the 16th century. Levelling of site in mid-17th century, in probable preparation for the construction of a small building with cobbled floor, possibly a barn [cf. reference 5]. (6)
Additional references. (7-8) |