More information : [NY 5716 6263] Peel [GT] (Remains of) (1)
"NY 571626: The Fortified Barn (Stone House), 1250 yds E. of Naworth Castle. Of sandstone, two storeys. Built probably in early 16th century; rectangular on plan; ground floor lit through slits; first floor ceiled at ends but in centre open to roof; king-post roof trusses. Two fireplaces only, on first floor. Minor alterations and additions later." (2)
Not a Peel but a Bastle. The roof collapsed a few years ago and the building is now ruinous. See G.P. (3)
NY 572626 The Stonehouse, Naworth Park. The building is unique; it is of higher quality than an ordinary bastle and has some windows to the ground floor, thought the main living accommodation was clearly on the first floor. The survival of part of the original roof shows that the building never comprised more than two storeys. (4)
The Stonehouse House, fomerly a fortified farmhouse (stonehouse/bastle house) Late 16th century, building material probably from Hadrian's Wall. Derelict and unoccupied at time of resurvey (1984). Grade 2. (5)
NY 572626 Fortified house N of Denton Foot; scheduled. (6)
Scheduled. (7)
Listed with plan. (8)
Listed as a bastle by Cathcart King. (9)
An account of a family who lived at Stonehouse. (10) |