More information : (NY 5747 7296) Tower (GS) (Site of) (1) On the Side Fell, south of Collin Bank, is a grassy mound on which stood a 15th/16th c Pele, the foundations of which are still clearly traceable. (2) NY 57477297 The platformed area at Collin Bank 50' x 46' with a smaller rectangle 32' x 11' adjoining on the SE represent the remains of a tenement existing in 1603. (3) Fragments of turf-covered foundations 0.1m to 0.2m in height are all that remains. (4) Ill-defined turf covered wall footings are still evident measuring 14.0m north-south by 12.0m transversely about 0.2m maximum height, with a sub-divided outbuilding on the southeast. (See Illustration Card). Surveyed at 1:10 000. (5)