More information : 28 December 1540. The Privy Council...The Emperor's ambassador sent his secretary with letters to the Lord Privy favour of the King of Portugal's suit for goods wrecked at Plymouth. (1)
31 December 1540. Marillac to Montmorency...Lately a ship of the King of Portugal, laden with spice worth over 300,000 crs. [sic], was wrecked near Plymouth and the English pillaged all that was saved. Thinks the Portuguese will not recover a fiftieth part of it. (2)
2 January 1541. Chapuys to Charles V. On the 23rd ult. I wrote to your Imperial Majesty...As to the Portuguese ship that was wrecked, the Admiral is making enquiries... (3)
8 January 1541. The Privy Council...Letter written to Ric. Egecumbe [sic] and others to enquire into the spoil of the Portingalles [sic] ship that ran aground at Plymouth... (4)
14 January 1541. The Privy Council...Several letters sent to Sir Hugh Pollard, Sir Hugh Panlet, and Wm. Portman, serjeant-at-law, to repair at Plymouth and join Mr Trigonell in enquiring into an assembly against a Portugalles ship... (5)
27 February 1541. The Privy Council...Letter to Dr. Tregonel and Sir Hugh Pollard, commissioners in a case (described) of the King of Portugal's ship which was wrecked at Plymouth, to release the men of Plymouth whom they had in ward, restore the goods to the King of Portugal's factor, etc. (6)
27 February 1541. Henry VIII to John III of Portugal. Hearing that a Portuguese ship laden with spices was wrecked near his port of Plymouth and was being spoiled by the natives of the place and the crew of the ship, he at once sent commissioners to punish the spoilers and restore the goods to the owners. Meanwhile arrived an envoy from King John, who saw all that was done, and can bear witness that Henry omitted nothing in recovering the goods and ministering justice, and has professed himself satisfied. Hampton Court, 27 February 1540 (Old Style). Countersigned: Petrus Vannes. (7)
Date of Loss Qualifier: Reported Date of Loss |