Milecastle 44 |
Hob Uid: 13828 | |
Location : Northumberland Greenhead
Grid Ref : NY6888066940 |
Summary : The site of milecastle 44 on Hadrian's Wall. The milecastle is a long-axis type measuring 20.3m north-south by 17.0m east-west internally. It was excavated by trenching around the inner face, but when and by whom is unknown as there is no published report available. It is now visible as a few facing stones and a turf-covered bank, 3.5m wide and 0.9m high. The agger of the road that leads to the Military Way is 3.5m wide and 0.2m high. The bank of the milecastle is visible as earthworks on air photographs and an inner ditch, which may be the excavation trench ia also visible. |
More information : [NY 6888 6695] Milecastle [G.S.] (Site of) (1)
Before coming to Allolee farm house from the E. the ruins of milecastle 44 are very distinctly marked; it is a long-axis milecastle. (2)
Published survey (25") revised. The profile of the milecastle is distinguished by the "robber trenches" and their turf-covered spoil mounds. (3)
The site has been made readily apparent by the stone-grubbing activity, but there are no original remains. (4)
NY 6888 6694. The milecastle is a long-axis type measuring 20.3m north-south by 17.0m east-west internally. It was excavated by trenching around the inner face but when and by whom is unknown as there is no published report available. It is now visible as a few facing stones and a turf-covered bank, 3.5m wide and 0.9m high. The agger of the road that leads to the Military Way is 3.5m wide and 0.2m high. (5)
scheduled (6)
Listed Building (7)
The bank of the milecastle is visible as earthworks on air photographs and an inner ditch , which may be the excavation trench. (8)
Depicted as Milecastle west of Aesica (1891). (9)
Located on the English Heritage map of Hadrian's Wall 2010. (10) |