More information : [NY 7522 6756] Tower [G.T.] (Site of). (1)
The site of a small, 14th/15th-century, border pele. Excavated 1911. (2-2a)
There are no structural remains of the tower. Its site is visible as a slight platform, at NY 7522 6755, with traces of foundations. Surveyed at 1:2500. (3)
Slight platform with excavation trenches and spoilheaps up to 0.4m high. It should be noted that Authority 2a gives no context for the medieval pottery, which is the only dating evidence for this feature. The tower is adjacent to the south face of Hadrian's Wall. (4)
There are no surviving documentary references to this pele. (5)
Additional reference. (6)
Some fragmentary banks, visible on air photographs, were mapped as part of the Hadrian's Wall National Mapping Project in the location of the tower. It is not certain whether these features represent remains of the tower itself or the excavation trenches/spoil. (7)