More information : At Satlyngestones (name Settlingstones NY 84696826 - O.S.6" 1920) is a tower of the inheritance of William Carnabye, esquire, in measurable good repair (1). Shown by Hadcock (2). (1-2)
The farmhouse and outbuildings are all of a late period of construction. No traces of antiquity can be found in or around the farmstead. The tenant, Mr. Cookson, can offer no historical information. The site is level ground against a very gentle east slope, which overlooks the Settlingstones Burn Valley to the north and east. The ground rises south-wards to a pasture ridge beyond a small vale. (3)
The tower was recorded asabeing in good condition in 1541. Listed by Cathcart King and Dodds. (4,5) |