More information : (Area NY 809809) The pele of the Charlton family stood where the most southerly house (of Charlton village stands, and the roads divide. Stones are still (1867) visible. The pele was standing within the memory of people yet (1867) living. (1)
The house is at NY 80978488. Some years ago, when lowering the floor of the washroom the flagstone flooring of the Pele was encountered about one foot down. there are no extant remains which can now be seen, but many worked stones are visible in the garden wall, and along the edge of the terrace. (2)
The Charlton' family built the pele at Hesleyside in the early 14th century, and this tower of theirs probably dates from the same time. It was partly decayed in 1799, when `it wore an aristocratic expression as if it was the seat of a Border landowner.' (3) |