More information : [NY 8803 9968] Peel [G.T.] (Remains of) (1)
The probable remains of a tower situated upon a gentle west slope of pasture in open moorland, at approx 900 feet above sea-level. The site overlooks falling ground to the north and south, and commands the opening to the Durtree Burn valley which runs northwards. In the south-west is low lying ground and to the east are rising slopes of moorland. A now-dry limestone ravine provides some natural defence, about 30.0m to the south-west.
The extant fragment comprises the greater part of the barrel-vaulted basement. The Peel, orientated nearly east-west, measures, overall. 12.2m by 7.4m. The walls are 1.5m thick, constructed of rough fashioned stones and boulders, with massive quoins at the corners. They stand to 3.5m height on the north and east sides, and are a tumbled mass of turf-covered masonry on the other sides. The south-west corner is intact to 2.0m height. The barrel roof is collapsed at the west end. The entrance, low and narrow, with bar holes, is in the east end. There is a retaining arch above the lintel stone. (2)
The barrel roof has now completely collapsed, otherwise as described. (3)
NY 880997 Remains of bastle. (See Type-site NY 88 SE 14) (4)
NY 881 997. Branshaw peel. Scheduled No ND/436. (5,6)
Listed by Cathcart King and by Dodds. (7,8) |