Summary : Earthwork enclosure of probable Iron Age and Romano-British date, immediately adjacent to the Neolithic causewayed enclosure on Knap Hill (SU 16 SW 22). Excavations occurred at the enclosure in 1908-9, finds including pottery, animal remains, a quern, remains of a human infant, a brooch of probable Iron Age date and numerous other artefact types. A "T-shaped hypocaust or fireplace" may well be a corn-drier. The presence of possible building stone plus the other artefacts has prompted the site's inclusion in Scott's gazetteer of Roman villas. A Saxon sword was also found, while pottery and clay pipes of 17th century date also point to some activity within the enclosure at this time. A square embanked area at the east side of the enclosure is probably a Post Medieval dew pond. |
More information : (Area centred SU 12166374) Plateau Enclosure (NR) (1) Shown as EIA Enclosure on diagram of Knap Hill Camp (See plan with SU 16 SW 22). (2) Excavation proved this to be a settlement quite distinct from, and of considerably later date than Knap Hill Camp (See SU 16 SW 22), which it adjoins. Probably established EIA; Ro occupation and 17th Cent Habitation. Finds included bead rim type pottery, Iron brooch, T-shaped fire place or hypocaust lower stone of a quern, much damaged by fire, Iron nails and slag. Frags of Upchurch? ware, Samian and Castor Ware. In the bank was found part of infants skull and bones. Roman building remains consisted of Wall daub and poss flooring. The finding of a 6th century Saxon sword, plus the condition of the Roman and IA finds suggested that the site had succombed to a Saxon attack. 17th cent pottery, pipes dated approx 1651 a Token dated 1652 was also found as well as a hut site. (3) Similar information. Finds include also: Samian base with stamp SE^ERI.M, New Forest ware, mortaria, 26 discs or counters made from potsherds, parts of Ro bricks and tiles, and bronze tweezers. Finds in Devizes Mus. (4) SU 12176375: Situated on the crest of a SW facing escarpment, this settlement of approximately 1/2 hectare occupies a saddle position to the NE of Knap Hill Causewayed camp. It is trapezium shaped, delineated mainly by a small bank up to 0.4m high, with an entrance in the NE, and several internal platforms average 0.3m high. A double ditch feature extending to the SW as far as SU 11956368 is possibly associated with one of the phases of the settlement, but its slightness could also represent a medieval or later boundary or field bank. Resurveyed in conjunction with RCHM manuscript plan at 1:2500. (5)
The presence of possible building stone plus other artefacts has prompted the site's inclusion in Scott's gazetteer of Roman villas. (6)
The probable late prehistoric or Roman enclosures referred to by the previous authorities have been mapped from aerial photographs. A square embanked enclosure on the east side of the enclosure is probably the remains of a Post Medieval dewpond. It is centred at SU 1220 6373. It appears to have been constructed over the bank defining the enclosure. (7-10)