More information : NZ 1695 6514. The remains of Newburn Hall, originally a 15th century Pele Tower, to which a 16th century house was added, are embedded in Messrs. Spencer's Steel Works, immediately to the north of the railway at Newburn. An inscribed stone was found in 1887, built up in an old tower at the Newburn Steel works. It measured 1' 3" x 11", and read:-"Leg(io) XX V (aleria) V(ictrix) C(o)ho(rs) IIII C(Centuria) Lib(urni)Fro(ntonis) C(Centuria) Tere(nti) Mag(ni)". ("Built by the 20th Legion styled Valeria Victrix, the 4th cohort, the century of Liburnius Fronto (and) the century of Terentius Magnus). In the centre at the bottom is an eagle; on the left a vexillum inscribed Leg XX; on the right a standard. (1)
The remains of Newburn Hall have been demolished and its site re-developed. The centurial stone is now in the Museum of Antiquities in the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Acc. No. 1887.26. (2) Newburn Hall was a 15th century tower with a 16th century dwelling attached to it. The Percys built both, and in 1530, Sir Thomas Percy, brother of the 6th Earl, made the hall his home. (3)
Listed as a bastle. (4) |