More information : [SU 98031238] Tumulus [G.T.] (1) Bowl barrow with ditch, 28 paces diameter, 6ft. high. Dip in centre. Trench cut 2 or 3 yds. into mound before September, 11th 1930. (2) Bowl barrow as described by Grinsell. Covered in trees and undergrowth but in good condition. Published survey (25" 1912) revised. (3) Overgrown with trees and bushes, measuring c23.0m in diameter and 2.0m high. A ditch, 2.5m wide and 0.3m deep, is visible on the SE arc, but this fades out around the NE and SW sides. There is an excavation crater in the centre. Published survey (25") revised. (4)