More information : NZ 52453368 Town Wall (NR). (1)
The ancient town walls of Hartlepool commenced at a point near the cliffs to the north-east of the town and ran to the North Gate (see NZ 53 SW 14.2) then to the Water Gate (see NZ 53 SW 14.3) and across the inner harbour until it nearly reached the extreme end of the promontory (see NZ 53 SW 12 Medieval Harbour). The existing portion, about 600 yds in length, rounds the end of the headland and runs to the Old Pier (see NZ 53 SW 17). (2) The earliest references found to the town walls of Hartlepool are the grants of murage in the reign of Edward II. (See NZ 53 SW 8, Medieval Walled Town of Hartlepool). Of the remaining portion, about 450 yds in length, a great deal near the north end has been rebuilt, and most of its original features are lost. Near its south-east end stands Sandwell Gate (see NZ 53 SW 14.1). (3) NZ 52363375 to NZ 52753358. The remains of the town wall are as described by authority 3. The rubble masonry is in a good state of preservation, and the parapet wall attains a maximum height of 1.2m, but has been considerably restored. A plaque at NZ 5275 3358 dates the wall to circa 1250. The extant Sandwell Gate (NZ52723359) is of plain massive charater and appears to be part of the original 14th century town wall. (4) NZ 52483411. An excavation took place in May and June l978 across the presumed line of the Medieval town wall. No trace of the wall was found but a large Medieval ditch, 5.7m wide was located running parallel to the presumed line. This may have been additional, and perhaps earlier, defence immediately west or outside the wall (NZ 53 SW 12) was formed by a low pointed arch about 10 ft high and 24 ft span. (See NZ 53 SW 14 Medieval Town Wall). (5)(6)
The medieval town defences were excavated in 1976/78 at Graham Street, sited to NZ 5252 3410; and in 1983 at the MM Oil site, sited to NZ 525 340, and at St Helens Junior School sited to NZ 3250 3423.
The excavations indicated that the defences of the isthmus consisted of a bank and ditch, constructed in two phases. The town wall was built in the period between 1326 and 1344 as indicated by the documentary evidence.
There was a watergate for fishermen while the main harbour entrance was guarded by two large round towers with a boom chain between. (7)
Town Wall and Sandwell Gate. Town fortifications/retaining wall, fronting onto Commissioner's Harbour; early 14th century. Incorporating late 14th century pointed arched gateway, Sandwell Gate. Grade I. (8)
Additional reference. (9)
NZ 524 337 - NZ 527 336. Town Wall and Sandwell Gate. Scheduled No CL/24. (10)
The monument is also visible as upstanding structures on air photographs examined as part of the North East Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment, at NZ 5254 3366. (12-13) |