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Historic England Research Records

Low Lee Ledges

Hob Uid: 1395539
Location :
Grid Ref : SW4800202724
Summary : Remains of an early 17th century wreck, probably of a Dutch East Indiaman, on Low Lee Ledges, as evidenced by fragments of timber hull and scattered VOC (Dutch East India Company) bricks, clay pipes and iron shot. At least one iron cannon remained in situ when investigated in 1998; two dozen bronze guns were recovered in 1910 by divers investigating the nearby wreck of the PRIMROSE (see 919198 for the possible remains of the PRIMROSE). One of these cannon is said to remain in front of the public library in Penzance. In this offshore position the vessel is likely to have struck the Low Lee Ledges before foundering.
More information : Ten iron cannon and a large quantity of Dutch small yellow bricks have been found at this site. In 1906 and again in 1967 a bronze gun was also recovered from the area. (1)(2)

ADU Report, 1998:

Short History:

The site was first discovered in 1910 by divers from the Western Marine Salvage Company who were salvaging the PRIMROSE. They recovered two dozen bronze guns which probably went for scrap: one, however, stands outside the former public library in Penzance [see source (6) below]. One was presented to the local council, [possibly the library cannon?] Sport divers have known of the site for some time and quantities of iron shot, Dutch bricks, clay pipes and other artefacts are said to have been recovered over the years. The site was also used as an example by the late Keith Muckelroy in his site formation classification system.


Sport divers from local clubs use the site for training, and they have used one iron gun to practise lifting heavy items with an air bag. It is reported that the ledge used to be covered in VOC bricks and iron shot, but most have been removed as souvenirs, although a local group of divers is now making efforts at archaeological recording. The iron gun concreted to the rock is actively corroding, and timber fragments exposed by excavation are also in a poor state.

Site Environment:

The site lies on the eastern side of a rock outcrop rising from a sandy seabed at 16-22m to within 3m of the surface. The exposed rock is kelp-covered above about 13m, while the adjacent flatter area appears to be a less dynamic environment covered with sand.

ADU Operations:

Dived 06-MAY-1998 in unsettled cloudy weather with rough seas, visibility 4m.

The ADU carried out a bathymetric survey of Low Lee Ledges and a magnetometer survey of the area between the Ledge and the shore where divers have reported iron guns in the past.

Archaeological Remains:

Two iron cannons are reported to be on the site, although only one was seen by the ADU. This was concreted to rock at the base of a vertical cliff at 12m, while the other is said to be moved around the site by the local diving club who use it for lifting exercises. Other visible items were noted on sand between 16-22m, including VOC export bricks, which were often used as ballast on outward journeys, parts of a rudder with a possible gudgeon, and many loose fragments of timber, some with loose treenails.

The site appears to be extensively disturbed, probably by both the original salvage and recent digging.


The evidence suggests that an early 17th century vessel or vessels, one probably a Dutch East Indiaman, were lost on the site. Its remains have been badly disturbed by early 20th century salvage and recent diver activity, although attempts are now being made to record investigations by a small group of local divers. The site is probably too disturbed to be a strong candidate for designation.

ADU 1998. (3)

Seen to be located close NW of the PRIMROSE in 10m; position unreliable. A large Spanish cannon raised from Low Lee in October 1916 may have come from a West Indiaman wrecked there on 02-DEC-1771 (Cornish Shipwrecks).

18-MAR-1977: Application to have site designated, but not supported due to lack of evidence. (4)(5)

Position given as 50 05.458N 004 31.459W (OSGB), 50 05.494N 005 31.459W. Cannon, cannonballs, timbers and yellow bricks are reported on the site.

03-JUN-1988: Nothing found.

30-APR-2009: Not located by multibeam. Lies on rocky seabed of Low Lee Ledge. (5)

An "ancient marine cannon" is noted outside the public library on Morrab Road [presumably the cannon referred to in source (3).] (6)

It is noteworthy that there is considerable divergence in the date of first discovery: (1) and (2) state 1906, the year the PRIMROSE was lost; (3) states 1910 and (4) and (5) 1916. At least one of these is likely to be a typographical or transcription error, possibly 1916: this date during WWI appears the most unlikely. (7)

Sources :
Source Number : 1
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 136
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Vol(s) :
Source Number : 2
Source :
Source details : No.176
Page(s) : 190
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Source Number : 3
Source :
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Source Number : 4
Source :
Source details : 23-Nov-10
Page(s) :
Figs. :
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Vol(s) :
Source Number : 5
Source :
Source details : accessed on 24-NOV-2010 via < http://www.wrecksite.eu > subscription service
Page(s) :
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Vol(s) :
Source Number : 6
Source :
Source details : < http://www.penzance.co.uk/tourism/index.htm?townwalk.htm~main_pz> accessed on 24-NOV-2010
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Source Number : 7
Source :
Source details : 24-Nov-10
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Vol(s) :

Monument Types:
Monument Period Name : Post Medieval
Display Date : Approximate Date Of Loss
Monument End Date : 1632
Monument Start Date : 1600
Monument Type : Cargo Vessel, Armed Cargo Vessel, East Indiaman
Evidence : Scattered Vessel Structure, Find

Components and Objects:
Related Records from other datasets:
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External Cross Reference Source : Hydrographic Office Number
External Cross Reference Number : 13101560
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Hydrographic Office Number
External Cross Reference Number : 16300
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : National Monuments Record Number
External Cross Reference Number : SW 42 NE 152
External Cross Reference Notes :

Related Warden Records :
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association

Related Activities :