More information : A barrow called Lid Low, near Warslow, was opened, 27th November 1851, by Sir John Harpur Crewe Bt and Sir Gardner Wilkinson. "They found a skeleton accompanied by a fine bronze dagger, 7 1/2" long with two rivets attached and two others separate, all lying near the head, besides two well formed spear heads of flint, the longest of which measures 2 3/4". (1) Similar information - "a bed of charcoal was found on which the body appeared to have been placed"; two flint javelin heads were found near it. (2) A bronze knife-dagger, 7 3/4" long and sharply pointed, found at Lett Low, near Warslow. (3) Lettlow: Flat, rivetted, bronze knife-dagger, length 7 3/4" three rivets, angular butt, associated with a contracted burial. In Sheffield Museum. (4) Included in register of Round Heeled Rivetted Daggers. (5) (SK 09085836). A much reduced bowl barrow known as Lid Low, or Little Low, pointed out by Mr G Grindon, the owner. 20m in diam. & 0.6m high. No visible ditch. Situated on the crest of a south-eastern spur, below Warslow and above the Manifold Valley. Under pasture. (6) Now reduced to a maximum height of 0.3m. Otherwise - no change. Published survey 1:2500 correct. (7) Not listed by Gunstone. He records Lidlow as unlocated. (8) (SK 09075836) Tumulus(NR) (9)