More information : A rectangular camp on Castle Hill (at SK 49045578) consisting of a bank and part ditch with SW and NW entrances. Due east (at SK 49145576) is a possibly associated oval banked enclosure (see plan 1). (1)
In 1292 Edward I stayed at Kirkby Castle on his way from Pleasley to Codnor. Traces of this castle are represented by mounds in "the field at the west (? south) end of the church". (2)
Extant earthworks at Castle Hill consist of an engineered terraced feature at SK 49045578 with an adjacent irregular mound to the east, and, centred at SK 49245576 a string of fishponds. The feature formerly shown at SK 49145576 has now been ploughed out. At the former site extensive ploughing has destroyed all the earthworks portrayed by VCH with the exception of a scarped perimeter bank which now attains a maximum height of 2.3m. The adjacent flat topped mound has a max height of 2.6m; here again the feature is surounded by plough. There is much scattered building material evident and slate, tile, brick, stone are all to be seen, together with mortar. Perimeter wall foundations, now level with the plough, can be traced in places. The work is situated some 180.0m above sea level in a commanding position with excellent all round visibility.
The fishpond complex consists of four major inter-connected ponds and sluices; all are overgrown, silted, and hold seasonal water. They achieve a maximum depth of 2.7m and appear early in construction.
There seems to be little doubt that the former work marks the site of Kirby Castle (possibly a small motte with curtain and attached court) although the fragmentary earthwork remains renders precise classification doubtful. The fishponds are probably later. The central work, now demolished, has on OS 25" 1961 the look of a Civil War battery (note also the proximity of the church; a possible observation post) but no historical substantiation was found in local research. (3)
SK 491556. A rectangular site south of St. Wilfred's Church; Listed under Other Secular Sites and Buildings. (4)
SK 4903 5577. Castle Hill fortified manor. Scheduled RSM no. 13397. The monument includes the remains of a fouteenth century fortified manor house which records suggest was built either by Robert de Stuteville or John Darcy. It includes a levelled rectangular platform situated south of the parish church of St Wilfred. (5)
Fishponds Scheduled, National Number 29981. (6)
Listed by Cathcart King. (7) |